
Sunday, December 2, 2007


When I first saw this rose bloom, the color at once reminded me of the beautiful rich Baltic amber that Louise and I saw in the shops in Copenhagen, Denmark, on one of our rose-finding trips. The very ruffled flowers of rich apricot-amber are well perfumed and produced in good numbers on a compact, nice plant whose young bronzy red leaves become medium-green with a matte finish. Continuous bloom, very disease resistant and hardy zones 5-10.

Height:4 ft.

Fragrance:Very Fragrant



Shrub roses encompass a wide range of rose types which makes them a very diverse group. It seems that any rose that does not fit another category becomes a shrub rose and in turn their winter hardiness varies. Many shrub roses result from crossing old-rose types with modern roses and therefore combine the best traits of each: repeat flowering rose bushes and a great range of colors from the Modern Roses, and the fragrance, wide range of flower styles, growth habits, and also the delicate color from the Old Garden Roses. There are some very useful roses in this 'Shrub Roses' group. Many Shrub Roses are good for screens, hedges, and mass planting. Shrub Roses also make great single specimen plantings. Virtually all shrub rose bushes are repeat blooming. Hardy zones 5 to 10 with some hardier, and some less hardy


Roses, popularly known as the queen of flowers look beautiful and spread fragrance in any garden. This regal flowering shrub valued mainly for the colour and fragrance of their flowers, has about 150 species. Many thousands of cultivars have been developed from these species through cross breeding, selection and hybridization and they vary widely from miniatures under a foot tall to climbing types that climb up to 50 feet.

Roses considered as the flowers of love has inspired artists, writers and composers for centuries. It was the Greek poet Sappho who coined the title 'Queen' to the flower over 2500 years ago. In the early Roman culture, Roses were a part of upper class life. The decorations for parties, weddings, funerals, festivals and on statues and monuments, chariots and shields were adorned with roses. People would bathe in rose water, wear rose garlands, make confections and wine with rose petals. Even medications were prepared from rose petals, fruits (hips) and seeds. The most important rose collection of the early 19th century was Of Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon 1 of France, in her famous garden at the imperial chateau Malmaison with over 250 varieties of roses. The flower had significance as a symbol in the early Christian Church. The 'rosary' of the Christians originated from the Latin word 'rosarium' meaning rose garden.

The cultivars can be divided into Old Garden and Modern roses and these into several well recognized sub groups. In a garden, roses can be planted as borders, hedges, backgrounds, specimen plants- in short, in virtually any role that other shrubs can play. They can be planted not only in the open ground but in containers and raised beds on your verandah, terrace or balcony. If planted in the right way you can enjoy watching your roses bloom year after year


Lotus, known as flower of purity is the National Flower of India. This water plant is very easy to grow. Flowers in pink and white, have a large number of petals and large circular thick leaves. The leaves are sometimes, and the flowers always, raised above the water surface. This beautiful and fragrant flower blooms only for one day. Lotus is considered sacred by the Hindus and the Buddhists.
Lotus can be planted in tanks around 2 1/2 feet deep. Make a mixture of compost, cow dung and sand. Spread a layer of 3 inches thickness at the bottom of the tank. Sunlight is a must for the lotus plant to flower. So tanks should be placed where there is plenty of sunlight. The best time to plant is from March to May.
Usually tubers or bulbs are used for planting, seeds can also be used to make new seedlings. Tuber should be planted at 2inches depth inside the sand compost mixture in the tank. Fill the tank with water at a level of 6-8 inches above the tuber. As the plant grows you can fill the tank with more water. You can grow fish in the tank to control pests.


Dahlia is a flowering plant from Mexico. Genus of about 30, 000 species with some 20, 000 cultivars. Plants come in a wide array of sizes/ forms from as low as 12 inches to as tall as 6-8 feet with flowers ranging from half-inch to giant sizes. The blooms are curvaceous, spiky with single or double forms. Colours range from white to red, orange to yellow, pink to dark purple and shades thereof. Dahlias last long as cut flowers.

Dahlias can be annuals which flower the first year from seed or perennials which take longer to mature and flower. It is easy to grow except in cold conditions or extreme hot dry weather.

Propagation and Planting

Dahlias can propagate or multiply from seeds, root division or cuttings. Single-flowered dahlias produce lots of seed. It is from seed that new varieties are produced. Seeds can be sown 1/2 inch deep in a well drained medium in a container, indoors or outdoors (in warm regions) usually during March/April. They need moist soil and indirect light. The seeds will sprout in 7-21 days. When the sprouts have two or more sets of true leaves (about five weeks) transplant them to three-inch pots and plant them outdoors.

To obtain a same variety of a particular dahlia, propagation should be done by cuttings or tuberous roots. Perennial dahlias are generally purchased as tuberous roots. Annuals, form tuberous roots the first year. These tuberous roots can be saved for use next year. In March or April divide the clumps of the tuberous roots with a sharp knife and take care that each division has a part of the crown that has a bud. The tubers can be planted horizontally with the eye upward (the new growth bud) 3 to 4 inches deep in light soil or sand and should be spaced 6 to 36 inches apart depending on the ultimate size of the plant. For tall plants, once the plant attains sufficient height, it can be secured loosely to a stake so that it stands steady.

Saturday, December 1, 2007



Family Name : COMPOSITAE
part Used: Chamomile flowers, Chamomile stalks, whole plant
Habitat: Grows as a weed all over dry parts of India
Uses : Dried flowers of Matricaria chamomilla are largely used to provide sedative as well as spasmolytic effects.

Tea made from chamomile is an excellent herbal tea that many use if they have trouble sleeping. Chamomile tea is also known to soothe digestion and relax the gastro-intestinal tract. This tea also helps to relax and soothe an anxious mood and is a good stress-relieving tea to drink prior to bedtime. It is rich in essential oil and can help the digestive system function properly. Chamomile is also very good for your skin and you can wet a cloth in the tea and use it as a skin cleanser or compress. Chamomile also contains several flavonoids, plant chemicals, that have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties. If you suffer from ragweed allergies, it is best to avoid chamomile tea.

It is used in cosmetics, perfumery and as a flavoring agent. It is good for Skin care (most skin-types), acne, allergies, boils burns, eczema, inflamed skin conditions, earache, wounds, menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome, headache, insomnia, nervous tension and other stress related disorders, digestive. It has a very low toxicity, therefore it is useful for children. It is used commercially in shampoos for fair hair and it can lighten hair color.

زهـــــــــرة البابــــونــــــج

من فوائد زهره البابونج

البابونج أحد الأعشاب الطبية الأساسية العريقة الذي استخدمه الأجداد كعشب مهدئ للأطفال في أثناء معاناتهم من الأمراض و منها أنه يساعد في الهضم إذ يفيد تناول البابونج زهرة البابونج : في علاج مختلف المتاعب المرتبطة بعملية هضم الطعام مثل : عسر الهضم ، ضعف المعدة ، تقلصات المعدة ، حرقان فم المعدة ، و يستخدم لهذا الغرض في صورة شاي منقوع ..ا

أيضا يستخدم للعناية الفائقة ببشرة الوجه و الاستفادة من هذه الخاصية التجميلية للبابونج يستخدم في عمل حمام للوجه و ذلك بوضع كمية من زهره في وعاء به ماء مغلي ثم يتم تعريض بشرة الوجه للبخار المتصاعد من الإناء و المحمل بمادة البابونج و ذلك على مراعاة لف منشفة حول الوجه لتكثيف البخار و تغميض العين .. بعد الانتهاء لا تتعرضي لتيارات الهواء الباردة و اشطفي الوجه بماء عادي و جففيه .. من كتاب بسم الله الشافي للدكتور أيمن الحسيني،، وكما نرى احبابي ان في الطبيعه دواء وشفاء لكثير من الامراض وهذه الزهره ماهى الا غيض من فيض